
Slow Food & District Landcare
100 Free Trees
Applications Now Open and
due by 5:00pm 26 April 2024
Valued at more than $1,500

Slow Food Noosa is providing members of Slow Food Noosa, including Snail of Approval producers, the opportunity to apply for 100 free trees, including labour support from Noosa and District Landcare contracting crew, to help enhance biodiversity, wildlife habitat and more on your property!
The free tree planting program includes:
- 100 native tubestock. Species tailored to each property and revegetation site.
- 100 tree guards and hardwood stakes.
- Labour support from Noosa Landcare contracting services to assist the landholder with specific site preparation and planting of the native tubestock.
- Informative factsheet on how to maintain a revegetation site and contact details for on-going advice.
This is valued at over $1,500!
In applying for this free tree planting program, the applicant must agree to the following requirements:
- Support Landcare staff with the planting of the native tubestock.
- Undertake and manage maintenance on the revegetation site to ensure establishment of the native tubestock. Minimum of 12 months of active care.
We encourage you to apply for this free tree planting program if you are looking to:
- Restore a waterway and farm dam on your property,
- Create connectivity between existing bushland areas on your property or adjacent properties,
- Provide stability along cleared hill slopes, or
- Provide shade for livestock in pasture systems (please note that additional cost is required from landholder to provide secure protection from livestock grazing).
Applicants are not guaranteed the 100 Fee Tree incentive. Limited tree plantings on offer. An email will be sent early May notifying applicants of their application outcome. Applicants must be current members of Slow Food Noosa.
For more information please contact:
Rod Lees – Slow Food Noosa

Slow Food Noosa School Gardens Program
Slow Food Noosa supports local growers and food artisans in the promotion of the Slow Food Philosophy of Good, Clean, Fair food for all.
Our events and projects raise much-needed funds to support our community and assist the very people who are making a positive difference in the community.

Slow Food Not fast Food Say Students
Under the sublime skies of Noosa’s winter sun, students are learning that slow food, not fast food is the key to a healthy lifestyle.
Slow Food Noosa’s School Gardens Program teaches school children across the region how to grow easy and nutritious micro greens thanks to the expert advice of Sharon Koski from The Green Shed in Palmwoods.
“Micro-Greens are highly nutritious and fun to grow, they are a food source that children can easily propagate in containers and reap the rewards in a week” said Sharon Koski.
Slow Food Noosa have contributed funds to support a number of Noosa schools who will work to successfully propagate micro greens to sell back to their community. The year 2 students at Sunshine Beach State Primary School were the first to learn the tips of the trade from Sharon under their “Good to Grow” curriculum.
The project is delivering a rich curriculum extension, hands on engaging experience with strong community connections. Educating our next generation on Slow Food’s ideology of eating local, seasonal and fresh food.
For more information about the project or to register your school to participate please visit phone Slow Food School Gardens Coordinator Di Seels on 0468 932 778.
Stay up to date with upcoming events via our Events Page or our Facebook Page.
Local Producer School Talks

Term 2
Year 4 students at Sunshine Beach Primary School
Curriculum link: ‘Ready, set and growing’
Piggy in the Middle
The students explored living things and delving into the life cycles and the relationship of living things!
Mason a pig farmer from Lower Wonga near Gympie runs the popular local business from his farm called Piggy in the Middle – also a Slow Food Noosa Snail of Approval Recipient shared all his amazing farm stories and “the relationships between humans, plants and animals” – the kids loved it!
Check out Piggy in the Middle and all the wonderful sustainable and regenerative farming practices that he and his family carry out on their farm.
Local Producer School Talks

Term 2
Year 5 students
Curriculum link: ‘Design Technology’
Tagigan Road Produce
The students are investigating a design that will support wildlife and their local environment.
Scott Andrews from Tagigan Road Produce and a Slow Food Noosa of Approval Recipient presented to the kids at Sunshine Beach State Primary School about the mycology/fungi and mushrooms!
Scott raised the bar in getting the school kids to ‘think outside the box’ and more laterally on how to use a range of different materials and equipment to ‘design products’ that meet and identify needs to help protect our environment, wildlife and plants in their local environment.
Scott related his own experiences about design technology in eco friendly, sustainable mushroom growing practices and growth packs which he sells to the local community.
Scott also talked about the relationship between bee and mushrooms who would have thought that mycelium could improve a bees immunity!!
International Slow Food Projects
Ark of Taste
The Ark of Taste travels the world collecting small-scale quality productions that belong to the cultures, history and traditions of the entire planet: an extraordinary heritage of fruits, vegetables, animal breeds, cheeses, breads, sweets and cured meats… Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity.
10,000 Food Gardens in Africa project
Creating 10,000 good, clean and fair food gardens in African schools and villages means guaranteeing communities have a supply of fresh, healthy food, but also training a network of leaders aware of the value of their land and their culture who can serve as protagonists for change and the continent’s future. For more information visit 10,000 Food Gardens in Africa
From Garden to Plate
With the help of Slow Food Noosa, Sunshine Beach State School is taking classes outside for their new ‘Garden to Plate’ program.
The school has a thriving permaculture garden which has developed over many years with the help of volunteer parents and community members.
Recently, the school received a $3000 grant from Slow Food Noosa to install an outdoor kitchen and add more garden beds to the already successful permaculture garden.
They are now able to implement a new ‘Garden to Plate’ program this year with a focus on discovering the cycle of seed to harvest and understanding the process involved in getting the produce to plates.

The local branch of a global grassroots organisation, Slow Foods Noosa, believes that everyone has the fundamental right to the pleasure of good food and recognises the strong connections between plate, planet, people and culture.
World-renowned chef Matt Golinski plays a large part in the Slow Foods movement in Noosa. At a recent Slow Foods morning tea held at Tait House community garden, Matt spoke of his love for the garden and the real importance of fresh produce in meal preparation.
Teacher Bec Kennett said that with the grant money, the school purchased a large outdoor stainless-steel kitchen bench, from which they prepare harvested produce.
“This allows our students to prepare food straight from the garden hence the program name ‘Garden to Plate’,” she said.
“We look forward to a fruitful harvest later in the year full of celebration in partnership with all involved.”
The permaculture, outdoor kitchen and outdoor learning hub is becoming a popular alternative to lessons in the classrooms, with teachers rotating their classes throughout the days.
THE SCHOOL GARDENS PROJECT has been an ongoing major project to engage and support primary school children through the sponsorship to help selected schools build School Gardens donating more than $40,000 to six Sunshine Coast schools over six years. A further $10,000 has been donated to the program in 2019. We thank all of our supporters and those who have contributed to and attended our events for helping us to achieve this.
They are now able to implement a new ‘Garden to Plate’ program this year with a focus on discovering the cycle of seed to harvest and understanding the process involved in getting the produce to plates.

Contact Us: info@slowfoodnoosa.com
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