Regenerative Farming and Native Vegetation Enhancement Funding Program

Slow Food Noosa Snail of Approval

The recent COP26 Glasgow summit on climate change highlighted the need for more to be done to reduce greenhouse gases and keep the World’s temperature below the 1.5C increase. David Attenborough gave a compelling and inspiring speech at COP26, that urged the need to set aside a third of our oceans and land mass for regeneration for us to reach this target. He called it ‘Rewilding the Planet.

With over 55% of Australia’s land mass under agricultural production.

Our agricultural landscapes not only feed our communities and support our economy but gives great opportunity to achieve valuable conservation outcomes. Supporting the natural assets within these landscapes can enhance and protect biodiversity, keep our rivers clean, help store more carbon and create a more resilient food systems in the face of climate change.

Partnering with a Noosa based philanthropic foundation, Noosa and District Landcare, Tarwyn Park Training and our Snail of Approval producers, we hope to create a resilient local food system, with social and ecological health at its core. The program is intended to enable producers to undertake specific projects with tangible productivity and ecological health outcomes.

Who we are

Slow Food is a global, grassroots organisation, with supporters in 150 countries around the world, who are linking the pleasure of good food with a commitment to their community and the environment.

Our philosophy is Good, Clean, and Fair food for all.

Locally, Slow Food Noosa Inc. supports growers and food artisans through promotional events and community programs. All of our events embrace not only the Slow Food way but also raise much needed funds to support the community. These funds assist projects and people wjo are making a positive difference in the community and promoting the Slow Food philosophy.